Credit Assessment

” Credit analysis is the evaluation of a borrower’s loan application “

A borrower’s loan application is evaluated as part of the credit analysis process to ascertain the entity’s financial stability and ability to produce enough cash flow to pay off the debt. To put it simply, a lender will run a credit analysis on potential borrowers to assess both their creditworthiness and the degree of credit risk involved in granting credit to them.

Credit Assessment can be done through various unstructured financial data

  1. Bank Statement Analysis ( Retail / Corporate )
  2. ITR Analysis
  3. GSTR Analysis
  4. Financial Statements Analysis
  5. Credit Ratings
  6. Credit Monitoring
  7. Data Aggregation
  8. Legal Data Analysis


GSTR Analysis:

SGSTR Analysis tool captures and analysis the raw data available on the GSTN server and gives you detailed, intuitive insights from a defined period on the various sale & purchase transactions to the lender. This tool not just captures the sales and purchase data of the borrower, but also the defected, returned products, routine transactions, etc. or in general the transaction trends (Business v/s In-house) giving you the complete 360 degree view of the borrower.

 So, if you are a private lender, a bank, or any other financial institution, you will have a ready report with actionable insights, saving you time and easing you with your high volume decision-making processes.  


GSTR Tool gives you the flexibility to define the period from which you want to capture and analyze the data. You can get the intuitive, detailed reports of Debtors’ & Creditors’ transactions with the borrower monthly or any period you wish.

GSTR Tool gives you actionable insights based on dependency calculations through sector analysis, geographical analysis, etc.

GSTR tool presents you with the insightful trends of business transactions of the borrower irrespective of you being an individual consumer or small or large – scale company.

GSTR tool is straightforward to implement because of its ‘Plug and Play’ nature, which you can get with a simple API Integration.

GSTR tool captures and analyses the returned/defective goods of the borrower.

Bank Statement Analyzer:

As an individual lender, a bank, NBFC or any other financial institution you analyze the prospective borrower’s bank statements to assess the creditworthiness to decide whether to lend the money or not. Bank statement is one of the most reliable sources that give you the visibility into all the transaction and trends of your prospective borrower over time. During this situation, you face the following challenges:

  1. Different formats: Prospective borrower submits the bank statements in digital PDF format, scanned PDF format or just as a printed hard copy.
  2. Different periods and magnitudes of data: Depending on your policies, level of credit to be assigned, you consider different periods; 3, 6, 9 or 12 months of data in a bank statement from your prospective borrower.
  3. Many narrations: The bank statements usually have different narrations and layouts depending on various banks yet specific and particular to that bank.
  4. Manual inspection, analysis, and calculations: Given, different formats, periods, magnitudes of data, narrations, and layouts; it is a very tedious and daunting task for you to inspect, analyze, and calculate manually to arrive at the creditworthiness of your prospective borrower.  

At ZIRAC, we want to nullify all these everyday challenges you face. Our team of domain experts (finance, banking), software designers, and engineers have designed and developed an innovative, intuitive, AI-driven, automated Bank Statement Analyzer Tool which analyses the bank statements and generates insightful, actionable reports defining the creditworthiness of the prospective buyer automatically, thus saving you time, money, and other resources.

Financial Statement Analysis:

Zirac’s Financial Statement Analysis tool is a useful and innovative tool which provides insights into the company which is due to be on-boarded or appraised for credit, lead sourcing, customer profiling, and vendor relationships.

 This tool provides a one-stop, standalone portal where your sourcing team can browse and get details about a company in the form of simple, intuitive, insightful reports. These reports are generated by capturing the company’s data from various authenticated sources.

Zirac’s Financial Statement Analysis Tool captures following parameters:
  1. Director details including signatories and past directors.
  2. Related companies and directors.
  3. Financial data analysis.
  4. Charged details/borrowings
  5. External credit ratings
  6. BIFR history and CDR history.
  7. Suit filed cases.


Financial Statement Analysis Tool does quick calculation of CMA for Borrower based on the information captured.

Financial Statement Analysis Tool does real-time check for different default lists.

Financial Statement Analysis Tool does system driven assessment of financial statements for multiple years.

Financial Statement Analysis Tool is easy to implement because of its ‘Plug & Play’ mode with simple API integration.

Financial Statement Analysis Tool reduces turn-around time.

Data Aggregation:

Data Aggregation tool helps you with online verification of KYC documents of your borrowers; both individual and company as this tool is linked to various public domain sources. So, if you are in MSME industry or a retail division of the Financial Institutions, you can use this tool to streamline your processes.

 We cover the following aspects:

  1. KYC – Corporate
  2. KYC – Retail
  3. Verification of Professional Qualification
  4. Verification of Tax Return

ITR Analysis:

Income Tax Return (ITR) Analysis tool gives you the visibility of your borrower’s financial know-how whether it’s an individual’s income or a company’s financial transactions, in real-time.

 This tool captures the income tax returns of the borrower based on the login credentials from ITR 1 – 7 with simple, single API integration.

ITR Analysis Tool is quick and easy to implement with just a simple, single API integration.

ITR Analysis Tool captures the income tax return of the borrower in real-time.

ITR Analysis analyses tools processes all the various form of income tax returns.

ITR Analysis Tool presents the actual data which can be reconciled with the declared data by the borrower.

USP's of Credit Assessment

Credit analysis involves examining a borrower’s loan application to see if the firm has sufficient cash flow to pay off its debts.

Obtaining information from the borrower, examining the data obtained, and deciding whether or not to authorise the loan are all steps in the credit analysis process.

To assess the borrower’s creditworthiness, a credit analyst employs a variety of methods, including ratio analysis, trend analysis, cash flow analysis, and predictions.

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